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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites

El, 2014-06-19

The Basque Country Parliament asks for 'a dissemination campaign' to boost fish consumption after the Anisakis alert (ES)

After the recent health alert for Anisakis in the Basque Country, the Regional Parliament has unanimously approved today the elaboration of a protocol on food risk communication and the onset of a dissemination campaign to boost fish consumption.


Ciencia y, 2014-06-18

Anisakis: effects on human health and how to prevent them (ES)

Anisakis is a parasitic nematode that can infect humans if raw or undercooked contaminated seafood is consumed. Prevention is the best way to avoid health problems caused by Anisakis. The most effective ways to kill the parasite and safely eat fish are summarized in this article.


tendencias21, 2014-06-13

New allergenic proteins identified in Anisakis (ES)

Researchers from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) have characterized 28 proteins and antigens of Anisakis, which are responsible of allergic reactions in humans. This finding will contribute to improve the diagnosis of this disease. 

READ MORE, 2014-06-13

Anchovy campaign ends with a bittersweet taste (ES)

Anchovy campaign ends with a bittersweet taste because, although it has been "excellent" regarding catches, fresh consumption has declined. It has been mainly due to the presence of anisakis. Fortunately, this decrease has been compensated by the higher amounts destined to canning industry. 

READ MORE, 2014-06-12

Twenty-eight new potential allergens identified in Anisakis (ES)

Researchers from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Health Institute Carlos III have characterized 28 proteins and antigens of Anisakis, which are responsible of allergic reactions in humans. This finding will contribute to improve the diagnosis of this disease.

