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Risk assessment with integrated tools in EU fish production value chains
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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites

PARASITE Project, 2015-12-01


PARASITE Project accomplished this Thursday 26th November 2015 its FINAL CONFERENCE. It was hosted by the Ship-Owner’s Cooperative of the Port of Vigo and gathered more than 80 people from the fishing industry, inspection bodies and sanitary and fisheries authorities.

The Conference, entitled Progress on the Assessment and Management of Parasites in Fishery and Aquaculture Products, was aimed at presenting the main results obtained within the project during its almost three years of life and was divided into three sessions, addressing different issues and targeting diverse audiences. The first session presented two outstanding European projects currently dealing with zoonotic parasites in fish products. On the one hand, Santiago Pascual, as project coordinator, presented the main objectives pursued by the PARASITE project and how far these have been achieved. On the other hand, Aridna Sitjà-Bobadilla, coordinator of PARAFISHCONTROL, presented this new research project funded by H2020 programme, which intends to provide solutions for preventing and mitigating parasitic diseases of European farmed fish. To lead the first session to an end, Patrizia Rossi, from the European Reference Lab for Parasites focused her presentation on progress towards the development of an ISO standard for the detection of anisakids in fish.

During the morning, session 2, was organized as a showroom on the new developments and technologies for the detection, identification and elimination of parasites in fishery products. Particularly, five technologies developed or improved within the PARASITE project were presented to an interested audience, who was encouraged to directly contact and exchange impressions with each technology developer. Results included UV- and biomarker proteins-based detection technologies; a special gadget for assessing the viability of nematode larvae; methods for inactivating and reducing Anisakis antigens in seafood and an on-board sanitation machine, which inactivates fish offals’ larvae before being re-introduced in the sea. Some of these technologies were physically present in the venue and could be handled by attendees.

Finally, session 3 was aimed at presenting the progress achieved within the PARASITE project on different researching gaps regarding nematode parasites. In particular, it was shown the potential for developing an epidemiological monitoring programme in major European fishing grounds, taking into account the experience gained within the Project. Moreover, advances on molecular identification and distribution of anisakids, on monitoring programmes through biobanking solutions, on genomics and transcriptomics, on parasite antigens characterization and on their relevance for improving diagnostics and enhanced interventions in the fish and seafood chains to mitigate risks posed by zoonotic parasites were shared with the audience. The conference reached its end with the presentation about the main results obtained within the risk assessment workpackage.

Final words by the coordinator were to thank all project partners for their active involvement in the Conference development and organization, and all attendees for the interest they show in the Parasite Project.


International Innovation, 2015-11-18

PARASITE Project-The science behind safer seafood (EN)

A report on the PARASITE project, together with an interview to Santiago Pascual, project coordinator, was included in the last issue of International Innovation

Click in the link below to read the whole article.


PARASITE project, 2015-09-14


  Esta encuesta se ha elaborado dentro del proyecto PARASITE para evaluar la exposición a Anisakis en cuatro de los países involucrados, con diferentes hábitos de consumo. Este estudio es de gran importancia para desarrollar métodos que permitan aumentar la calidad y seguridad de los productos de la pesca. Las respuestas son anónimas y totalmente confidenciales. Por favor, continúa si vives en España, Croacia o Dinamarca y tienes más de 18 años. Escoge tu idioma en el menú desplegable o en la bandera correspondiente.

 This questionnaire is part of the PARASITE project and it is aimed at assessing exposure to Anisakis in four of the countries involved in the project, with different consumption habits. This study is very important to develop new methodologies to guarantee quality and safety of fishery products. The answers are anonymous and completely confidential. If you live in Scotland and you are aged 18 or over, please, proceed. You can choose the language in the corresponding flag or in the pull-down menu.

  Ovaj upitnik je dio projekta PARASITE o procijeniti izloženosti čovjeka infekciji parazitom Anisakis u četiri zemalje uključene u projekt, a s različitim prehrambenim navikama. Istraživanje je od velike značajnosti ako želimo povećati naše znanje o kakvoći i sigurnosti ribljih proizvoda. Vaši odgovori su anonimni i koristit će se u potpunosti povjerljivo. Molimo nastavite s upitnikom ako živite u Španjolskoj, Hrvatskoj i Danskoj i imate više od 18 godina. Odaberite jezik iz padajućeg izbornika ili klikom na odgovarajuću zastavu.

   Dette spørgeskema er udviklet inden for et europæisk parasit-forskningsprojekt med henblik på at vurdere, hvorledes forbrugere i fire europæiske lande med forskellige forbrugsmønstre eksponeres for sildeormen Anisakis. Undersøgelsen er af væsentlig betydning, hvis vi skal øge vores viden om kvalitet og sikkerhed af fiskeprodukter. Dine svar vil blive behandlet helt fortroligt og anonymt. Fortsæt, hvis du i øjeblikket bor i Spanien, Kroatien eller Danmark, og du er 18 år eller derover. Vælg dit sprog fra rullemenuen eller det tilsvarende flag.

 Il seguente questionario è parte di un progetto di ricerca europeo denominato ‘PARASITE’ (Risk assessment with integrated tools in EU fish production value chains) indirizzato allo studio dell’incidenza, degli effetti e del controllo di parassiti nematodi nei prodotti della pesca. E’ un contributo a un’ampia ricerca finalizzata ad aumentare la sicurezza per il consumatore che fruisce di prodotti ittici. Le risposte saranno trattate in modo confidenziale e rimarranno assolutamente anonime. Si richiede, cortesemente, la compilazione del questionario in italiano a chi vive in Italia e ha compiuto la maggiore età. Ringraziamo per la partecipazione e disponibilità a contribuire alla nostra ricerca scientifica.


PARASITE Consortium, 2015-08-12

PARASITE Project will actively participate in the 9th International Symposium on Fish Parasites (EN)

The 9th International Symposium on Fish Parasite will gather over 300 scientists from 54 countries and its scientific programme will include a large number of disciplines and research fields of fish parasitology, with special reference to the “New Challenges in Fish Parasitology” that will have to be faced in the coming years. The Symposium will include eight plenary lectures and over 150 oral and 200 poster presentations divided in 33 sessions, culminating in two international collaborative forums. Additionally, four workshops will be offered to the participants, one especially dealing with biobanks: “Biobanking: a new approach for improving research on fish parasite biorepositories”.


International Innovation, 2015-08-10

The PARASITE Consortium (EN)

The PARASITE Project has been included in Project Profile section of the issue number 187 of International Innovation, a leading scientific dissemination magazine. This number presents insights into how some researching activities are shaping the food-to-fork supply chain and cultivating better practices. The PARASITE project, which ultimate aim is to make European seafood safer, has been included as one of these particular initiatives. Click in the link below to read the whole article.


