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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites, 2014-06-12

Spanish researchers find new allergenic proteins in Anisakis (ES)

Researchers from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) have identified 28 antigens and potential new allergens in different species of Anisakis. It has been found that the allergenic capacity depends on the species and the biological hybrids formed.

READ MORE, 2014-06-12

Researchers from CSIC discover new allergenic proteins in Anisakis (ES)

Researchers from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) have identified 28 antigens and potential new allergens in different species of Anisakis. It has been found that the allergenic capacity depends on the species and the biological hybrids formed.

READ MORE , 2014-06-12

New allergenic proteins are discovered in Anisakis (ES)

Researchers from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Health Institute Carlos III have characterized 28 proteins and antigens of Anisakis, which are responsible of allergic reactions in humans. This finding will contribute to improve the diagnosis of this disease. 

READ MORE, 2014-06-12

Allergenic capacity of different Anisakis species is characterized (ES)

In in recent studio carried out by researchers from the National Spanish Research Council (CSIC), have established the allergenic capacity of different Anisakis species. This work, published in Proteomics, will allow to get a better understanding of the epidemiology of these parasites. 

READ MORE, 2014-06-12

Anisakis: the relation between allergenic proteins and species has been determined (ES)

The allergenic capacity varies upon the species and their biological hybrids. 

Anisakis infection has become an increasing health problem all around the world, since in 1960 the first case of anisakiasis was detected. Researchers from the Spanish National Research Council have characterized the allergenic capacity of Anisakis simplex sensu lato, a parasitic complex comprised by three different species: A. simplex sensu estricto, A. pegreffi and A. simplex C. Although there are about ten more species belonging to the genus, this complex is the main cause of parasitism and infection in humans.

