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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites

Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, 2014-06-12

Researchers from the National Museum of Natural Sciences contribute to the improvement of Anisakis diagnosis (ES)

This study is the first step for the development of new and more accurate diagnostic methods. Researchers from the National Museum of Natural Sciences and the National Biotechnological Centre, both belonging to the Spanish National Research Council, and the Hospital Carlos III from Madrid, have determined the presence of allergenic proteins in different Anisakis species. In particular, they have characterized the allergenic capacity of the complex Anisakis simplex sensu lato, comprised by the species Anisakis simplex, A. pegreffi and A. simplex C, the more relevant from a clinic point of view.


EFE Agro, 2014-06-09

Fish consumption increases in 2014 in Spain (ES)

Spanish fishmongers have noticed an increase in fish consumption and sales in 2014, for the first time since the beginning of the crisis. However, according to the canning industry this increase is not so relevant and better data are to come.


ADESPESCA, 2014-06-05

ADEPESCA launches "Comepescado" in facebook (ES)

ADEPESCA, the Asociation of Fish Retailers and Frozen Products of Madrid, has launched "Comepescado" in Facebook. The platform is aimed at spreading the benefits and advantages of fish consumption among consumers.


Eroski Consumer, 2014-06-03

How to cook fish to get rid of anisakis? (ES)

Control of cooking temperature is crucial to get rid of this parasite in fresh fish. The easiest way to remove anisakis in fresh fish is to freeze them at -20ºC during 24-48 hours. Usually, domestic fridges do not achieve this temperature, so it is recommended to keep fish frozen during, at least, five days.


FIS Spain, 2014-05-30

ICES recommends fishing less Baltic Sea cod but more herring (EN)

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) recommends severe cuts in fishing possibilities for cod stocks but increases in all herring quotas in the Baltic Sea for 2015.

This recommendation is based on scientific advice, which has determined that while Baltic Sea cod stocks have deteriorated greatly in recent years, herring is doing much better.

