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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites

PARASITE Consortium, 2015-08-12

PARASITE Project will actively participate in the 9th International Symposium on Fish Parasites (EN)

The 9th International Symposium on Fish Parasite will gather over 300 scientists from 54 countries and its scientific programme will include a large number of disciplines and research fields of fish parasitology, with special reference to the “New Challenges in Fish Parasitology” that will have to be faced in the coming years. The Symposium will include eight plenary lectures and over 150 oral and 200 poster presentations divided in 33 sessions, culminating in two international collaborative forums. Additionally, four workshops will be offered to the participants, one especially dealing with biobanks: “Biobanking: a new approach for improving research on fish parasite biorepositories”.


International Innovation, 2015-08-10

The PARASITE Consortium (EN)

The PARASITE Project has been included in Project Profile section of the issue number 187 of International Innovation, a leading scientific dissemination magazine. This number presents insights into how some researching activities are shaping the food-to-fork supply chain and cultivating better practices. The PARASITE project, which ultimate aim is to make European seafood safer, has been included as one of these particular initiatives. Click in the link below to read the whole article.



noticias de Guipuzkoa, 2015-08-06

Anisakis, the food safety issue more treated in 2014 (ES)

A study carried out by the Basque Country University analysed 1.864 news on food safety published in the press last year. 


Consumer, 2015-08-06

Is ceviche safe? (ES)

Ceviche is a traditional preparation with raw fish, like sushi. In these cases, one of the main risks is the parasite anisakis. Control measures are especially relevant for raw or undercooked fishery products, like cold smoked, ceviche, sushi and sashimi, among others. In our houses, preventive measures should be taken, which include to freeze the fish before consumption or cook them properly, with temperatures higher than 60ºC to kill the parasite. This article explains how to avoid the anisakis risk in this kind of preparations and which are the main risks of raw fish.

READ MORE, 2015-08-05

Anisakis crisis was the Food Safety-related issue that more times appeared in the Basque Country press in 2014 (ES)

Anisakis crisis was the food safety-related issue that more times appeared in the Basque Country press during 2014, according to a study published by the Basque Country University. 

