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Risk assessment with integrated tools in EU fish production value chains
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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites

European Food Information Council, 2014-04-29

New EU project aims to expand the production, marketing and consumption of European finfish species (EN)

The demand for safe and affordable aquatic products in Europe is increasing. European aquaculture (or European farmed aquatic products) could fulfil this demand; however, the industry faces several barriers to growth. The EU-funded DIVERSIFY project ( aims to overcome the bottlenecks to the production, marketing and consumption of healthy and sustainable European-cultured aquatic products. This will help meet consumer demands, reduce imports of often questionable quality and establish the industry as a world aquaculture technology leader.


European Food Information Council, 2014-04-29

Food additives and their re-evaluation in the EU (EN)

EU legislation on food additives is based on the principle that only additives that have passed a full safety assessment are authorised for use. Despite this, a recent Eurobarometer survey indicated that 66% of European consumers were concerned over the presence of additives in food. In addition, there is little understanding as to why the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is reassessing food additives currently in use.


AECOSAN, 2014-04-23

An Spanish representative in EFSA's Management Board (ES)

Spain will have, from 30th June this year until 2018, a representative in the EFSA's Management Board. This way, Spain will be represented in the most important European institution on food safety for the first time since 2006.

The Spanish Government presented to Iñaki Eguileor as a potential candidate. He is a recognized expert on Chemical Sciences and Public Health who was finally one of the most voted candidates. His appointment is only pending from the ratification of the European Council in the next days.


territori.COOP (dig.), 2014-04-16

Everything you need to know about Anisakis, in four minutes (IT)

In this video, Alfredo Mengoli, veterinary inspector in Bologna, and Rocco Micocci, quality manager at Central Coop Adriatica, talk about the Anisakis, a fish parasite. As they explain, it is harmless if you eat well cooked fish but potentially dangerous if you love raw or marinated fish.


The European Food Information Council, 2014-04-10

Managing the risk posed by the unintended presence of allergens in food products

The International Life Sciences Institute Europe (ILSI Europe) Food Allergy Task Force has published three papers in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, which discuss advances in the risk management processes for the presence of unintentional allergens in food, particularly those present as a result of cross-contact. The papers debate the strengths and limitations associated with allergen risk assessment, and outline a risk analysis framework to support decision-making in the area of allergen cross-contact. The authors conclude that risk management decisions must be informed by a clear understanding of the risk assessment’s outputs and limitations and that clear, consistent and trustworthy communications involving all stakeholders should underpin these activities.

These articles can be accessed within PARASITE website, in the section Useful Links and Information> Scientific Publications, where a summary of each of them is available also.

