Ships in the dawn Octopus
Risk assessment with integrated tools in EU fish production value chains
Fish fillets Seafood News Icon


Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites

PARASITE website, 2014-04-04

PARASITE eSeminar recording available (ES)

If you were not able to attend the eSeminar about the project organized last week by CommNet, you can watch the recording by clicking in the link below.



PARASITE website, 2014-03-10

PARASITE project presented in SapiExpo 2014 (EN)

The PARASITE project was presented in SapiExpo 2014 event, organized last 27th February by Universitá di Roma Sapienza. This event was aimed at promoting University's participation in Expo 2015, to be held in Milan next year.

Prof. Simonetta Mattiucci made an oral presentation about the project, which can be downloaded here. Moreover, project objectives and tasks were also summarized in a poster:


READ MORE, 2014-02-21

Already announced in Commnet website the PARASITE webinnar!

CommNet for Education: Parasite – detection and protection of fishery products – Fourth eSeminar

Learn how the EU project Parasite aims to provide new scientific evidence and technological developments to detect, monitor and mitigate the impact of parasites occurring in European and imported fishery products.

To access the eSeminar, follow this link and to visit Commnet page with all the information, click in the link below.


PARASITE website, 2014-02-11

PARASITE website survey is launched!

The PARASITE website has included within its Miscellaneous section (CATCH ALL subsection), a survey to get visitors' feedback. The survey contains 8 questions that can be quickly answered and will help us to improve our Communication Strategy.

Please go to the link below and take our survey!


Aquahoy, 2014-01-29

About the 2-18% of Spanish fish products are mislabeled (ES)

Ante la competencia de terceros países, se han desarrollado en Europa métodos genéticos para la identificación y autentificación de especies marinas comerciales. Los primeros resultados del proyecto LABELFISH, que pretende estandarizar a nivel europeo dichas prácticas, revelan que el porcentaje de etiquetado erróneo de productos elaborados a partir de atún, bacalao y anchoa, entre otros, se sitúa entre el 2% y el 18% en Reino Unido, Irlanda y España.

LABELFISH se centra en el análisis de diversos productos de pesca entre los que destacan aquellos elaborados a partir de atún, bacalao y anchoa. Asimismo, tiene un coste total de 1,9 millones de euros, siendo 1,2 millones de euros financiados por el Programa Europeo de Cooperación Transnacional del Espacio Atlántico, y participan en él seis países: España, Francia, Irlanda, Portugal, Reino Unido y Alemania.

