Ships in the dawn Octopus
Risk assessment with integrated tools in EU fish production value chains
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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites, 2013-11-13

Anchovy freezing before consumption, an easy way to avoid anisakiasis (ES)

A group of consumers have participated in the “Eating fish is safe and healthy.Anisakis is easy to avoid” workshop, carried out in Sevilla within the framework of the Science Week 2013


RTVE, 2013-10-30

Spanish public television news report about the PARASITE project and the risk of seafood borne parasites (ES)

Last October 30th the prime time news bulletin of Spanish public tv reported about PARASITE, including a short inteview to Dr. Angel González, who explained the biobank tool developed within the project. The report also addresses health issues related to seafood borne parasites.

Click below to watch the video



Oceana, 2013-10-25

450+ Chefs Call on Congress to Pass the SAFE Seafood Act (EN)

Oceana’s Vice President for U.S. Oceans, Jacqueline Savitz took to the stage at the TEDxMidAtlanticevent at Sidney Harman Hall in Washington, D.C. to address the problem of seafood fraud in the United States and what can be done to stop it, and to share Oceana’s message that saving our oceans can help feed the world. During her presentation, Savitz also announced a new letter signed by more than 450 chefs, restaurant owners and culinary leaders, representing nearly all 50 states, which calls on Congress to pass the Safety and Fraud Enforcement for Seafood (SAFE Seafood) Act...


Business Mirror, 2013-10-18

Philippines government urges seafood exporters to follow safety rules (EN)

FILIPINO exporters of seafood must know like the back of their hand the safety standards of their target destinations to meet the expectations of importers and avoid rejection when products are subjected to strict testing processes...


HACCPEuropa - food safety news quality manuals, 2013-10-16

New System in Salmonella Detection Faster than Conventional Methods (EN)

A new device for detecting salmonella and other food pathogens within six hours or less has been developed by researchers from the Purdue University. The machine, called a continuous cell concentration device, concentrates foodborne pathogens faster than conventional methods by using hollow thread-like fibers that filter out the cells, representing a potential new tool for speedier detection. It makes it possible to routinely analyze food or water samples to screen for pathogens within a single work shift at food processing plants.

