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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites, 2013-09-16

Vigo hosts the first biobank of marine parasite samples

It is expected that it becomes a reference for both public and private research.

READ MORE, 2013-09-16

Vigo hosts the first biobank on marine parasite samples

The scientifics involved in the project hope that it will become a reference for both the public and private sectors.

READ MORE, 2013-09-16

Vigo hosts the first biobank of marine parasite samples

It is an initiative from the Marine Institute dependant from the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), within a European project aimed at assess the impact of marine parasites on the food chain. 

READ MORE, 2013-09-16

It is launched in Spain the first biobank of marine parasites

The Marine Institute in Vigo, dependant from the Spanish Research Council (CISIC) launched last Tuesday the first biobank of marine parasites.

READ MORE, 2013-09-16

It is launched in Vigo the first biobank of marine parasites, PARASITE (ES)

The biobank is lauched within an ambitious European research project titled PARASITE. It is funded by the 7th Framework Programme and started in February 2013.


