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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites, 2013-09-16

The first biobank of marine parasites starts working in Vigo (ES)

It is a modern infrastructure managed by the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and it stores and delivers samples and data about parasites associated to marine fish species of commercial interest.

READ MORE, 2013-09-16

It is launched in Vigo the first biobank of marine parasites (ES)

The project is aimed at mitigating the impact of the parasites in the European fish products, as a way to improve seafood safety.


El País (dig. ed.), 2013-09-16

Vigo launches the first Biobank of parasite samples ES)

Today it is launched in Vigo the first biobank of marine parasite samples.


CSIC Communication Area, 2013-09-16

Hoy comienza a funcionar en Vigo el primer biobanco mundial de muestras de parásitos marinos (ES)

The first marine parasites biobank has been launched today in Vigo, within the PARASITE project.


El Dí, 2013-09-16

Vigo estrena el primer biobanco del mundo de muestras de parásitos marinos-Vigo launches the first biobank of marine parasite samples (ES)

The first marine parasites biobank has been lauched today in Vigo. There, marine parasite samples (such as Anisakis) and their associated biomolecules will be stored and distributed as a way to validate innovative tools to mitigate their impact.

