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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites

Rai.TV World, 2013-08-24

Parassita del pesce crudo -Fishborne parasites (IT)

The Italian TV-Rai 1 recently shared a video on fishborne parasites. It is a disseminating report that lasts 7 minutes and explains briefly parasites biology, modes of infection and the most effective ways to prevent it. It counts with participation of Edoardo Pozio, researcher at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.


Food Navigator, 2013-08-19

Researchers weigh the costs and benefits of food risk communication (EN)

Free movement of food ingredients in Europe raises food safety challenges for manufacturers – so what is the best way to avoid foodborne illness outbreaks and communicate risk with consumers?

A team of German researchers hopes to identify effective strategies to deal with foodborne pathogens with minimum impact on national economies in the course of a new three-year project, which started last month. The Federal Institute of Risk Assessment (BfR) is coordinating the project, dubbed "Zoonoses and Food Safety along Global Supply Chains" (ZooGloW), as part of a government safety research programme.


Europa Press, 2013-08-03

Doctor from Toledo Hospital releases a book with frequently asked questions about allergy (ES)

The chief of the Allergology Service of Toledo Hospital (Spain), Dr. Carlos Senent, has published the book 'Clearing doubts about Allergology', addressed to general practitioners to answer, from his broad clinical experience, to the most frequently asked questions arising in this speciality

This work (...) includes questions and answers about immunology and allergy, asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, urticaria, atopic and contact dermatitis, and food, drug, Anisakis or latex allergy...


Pesca Internacional, 2013-06-11

PARASITE seeks reducing of parasites in fish products (ES/EN)

The PARASITE project was launched last February with the objective of dealing, from a comprehensive perspective, with problems related to the presence of parasites in fishery products, namely those that pose a risk to the industry and consumers...


Own, 2013-05-30

Parasite Project presented at 8th Workshop of National Reference Labs for Parasites (EN)

Dr. Santiago Pascual and Dr. Ángel González presented the Parasite project at the 8th Workshop of National Reference Labs for Parasites, hosted by Istituto Superiore di Sanità, which is also a partner of the project...

