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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites

La Voz de Galicia (digital ed), 2013-05-12

The first marine biobank launched in Vigo (ES)

Two months after the official launch of the PARASITE project, the first marine biobank, which work will focus in the study of fish borne parasites and their impact mitigation, has started its activity in Vigo.



Viandas del Mar de Cádiz, 2013-05-02

New studies highlight the benefits of fish consumption (ES)

Un estudio español señala que una alimentación equilibrada en la que se incluyan tres raciones semanales de pescado, aceite de oliva y frutos secos, reduce el riesgo de desarrollar una enfermedad cardiovascular.

Un estudio publicado en The New England Journal of Medicine indica que una dieta equilibrada es capaz de reducir el riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares y, específicamente, disminuye en un 49% la posibilidad de sufrir un ictus o accidente vascular celebral.


HARVARD gazette, 2013-04-17

Eating Fish gives older adults an edge (EN)

Researchers found that older adults who had the highest omega-3 blood levels lived an average of 2.2 years longer than those with lower levels...


La Voz de Galicia, 2013-04-03

Fish consumption may extend live two years, acording to a study (ES)

People older than 65 years which eat fish can leave around two years longer thant those not consume omega-3 fatty acids mainly present in fish and seafood, according to a study carried out in the United States...



Principia, Diario de Avisos de Ciencia, 2013-04-02

A study links fish consumption with a lower risk of death in elderly (ES)

Elder adults with higher omega-3 fatty acid levels in blood, present almost exclusively in fatty fish and shellfish, can have up to 27% reduced their mortality risk and up to 35% the probability of death because of a heart disease, according to a new study carried out by Harvard School of Public Health and Washington University, in the United States...


