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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites

La Voz de Galicia (digital ed.), 2013-02-07

European project for mitigating the impact of parasites present in fish products (ES)

Industry will have a relevant role in the project. While some of them will use their vessels for providing samples, the others will work together in the development of a prototype to remove fish parasites on board.


La Voz de Galicia (digital ed.), 2013-02-07

European project for assessing the ecosystems health (ES)

Cooperation. This is the word repeteated by Ángel González, one of Parasite project coordinators. Cooperation among research centers (14), industries (6) and over all, among the fishing sector.


La Voz de Galicia (digital ed.), 2013-02-07

Scientists from Vigo launch the first marine biobank (ES)

Located in the Marine Research Institute (CSIC), Bouzas, it will keep parasite samples from ten fish species from Atlantic and Pacific Ocean...

See also "A system against the feedback" and "The objective of this innovative study is to evaluate the ecosystems health"

READ MORE, 2013-02-07

European project for mitigating the impact of parasites present in fish products (ES)

The project, led by the Marine Research Institute (CSIC) and co-funded by the European Union, integrates European and asian instutions and SMEs aiming to transfer scientific knowledge to the industry


Atlántico Diario, 2013-02-07

CETMAR participates in a project for mitigating fish borne parasites (ES)

CETMAR participates in the PARASITE project, aimed to find new technology solutions and management tools for mitigating the impact of fish borne parasites...

