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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites

Xunta de Galicia, 2013-02-06

CETMAR participates in a European project for the mitigation of fish parasites impact (GL)

The PARASITE project will contribute to the mitigation of the impact of parasites in fish productos by means of new technology solutions and management tools...

READ MORE, 2013-02-06

CETMAR participates in a European project for the mitigation of fish parasites impact (GL)

CETMAR participates in the PARASITE project, aimed to find new technology solutions and management tools for mitigating the impact of fish borne parasites...


BenBo Magazine, 2013-02-06

PARASITE: A project for mitigating the impact of parasites in fish products (ES)

The PARASITE project will contribute to the mitigation of the impact of parasites in fish productos by means of new technology solutions and management tools...


Europa Press, 2013-02-06

CETMAR participates in a project for mitigating the impact of parasites affecting fish products (ES)

The PARASITE project is co-funded by the EU 7th Framework Programme and led by Dr. Santiago Pascual, tenured scientist of the Marine Research Institute (CSIC)...




Plataforma en defensa do sector pesqueiro de Galicia, 2013-02-06

The main results of the PARASITE project will materialise in progressing towards the improvement in food safety (GL)

Mitigating the impact of fish borne parasites in European and imported fish products by implementing new technology solutions and management tools is the objective of the PARASITE project, which is co-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme


