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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites

FIS Spain, 2015-06-02

Parasites used as natural indicators of fish ecology (EN)

For several years a team of researchers from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) has been studying the migration of marine organisms and their trophic relations in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

Scientists believe that the knowledge of these aspects of the species ecology is crucial to the accurate assessment of fishery resources and for responsible exploitation.

READ MORE, 2015-05-28

ParaFishControl project lauched (ES)

European experts involved in ParaFishControl have met today in Castellón (Spain) in the kick-off meeting of the project, which intends to develop tools and solutions for controlling the presence of parasites in European culture fish. 

The project is co-ordinated by CSIC and has been funded under the Horizon 2020 programme. 

READ MORE, 2015-04-13

Anisakis, in charge of opening the Allergology Congress in Soria, Spain (ES)

Allergology specialists from Castilla Leon, will meet on 17-18 April 2015 in Burgo de Osma (Soria, Spain) to address different issues on allergies. In its 39th edition, organized by the Sociedad Castellano-Leonesa de Alergología e Inmunología Clínica, the congress will be opened by Dr. Rosa Rodríguez, from La Paz Hospital, talking about anisakiasis, a disease caused by the parasite Anisakis.


Faro de Vigo , 2015-04-13

More than 600 people have participated in the PARASITE survey (ES)

PARASITE project involves 21 partners and is coordinated by the Institute of Marine Research from Vigo (IIM-CSiC). The aim of the survey is to gain information about people's knowledge on anisakis, a fish parasite that may cause allergy. The survey is carried out in four countries (Spain, Croatia, Denmark and United Kingdom). By now, more than 600 people from Spain have already participated.


La Voz de Galicia, 2015-04-12

Galician Scientist develops a vaccine against fish allergies (ES)

The project, that includes Anisakis, is funded by the Fundación Areces. Urticaria, rhinitis, gastrointestinal and respiratory problems and, in worst cases, anaphylactic shock. These are some symptoms suffered by food allergic patients, from which fish occupies the third place. Solution? Eliminate fish, an essential product for the organism, from the diet. This was, up to now, the only solution, but Dr. Monica Carrera Mouriño is trying to develop a vaccine that allows this kind of patients to consume fish again.

