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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites, 2015-03-13

Anisakis, a stowaway in your meal (ES)

"Boquerones en vinagre" (anchovies with vinegar), sushi or ceviche are some gastronomic delicacies that may host an undesirable guest: anisakis.

READ MORE, 2015-03-13

Yuck! This fish that I bought is full of Anisakis! What should I do? (ES)

Anisakis is a marine fish parasite. If it arrives at your dish, something that occurs quite frequently, and you have not adequately processed the fish, it may cause gastroenteritis, stomach pain, vomits and, in rare occasions, intestinal obstruction apart from allergy and urticaria, that commences about 30 minutes after ingestion.


RestauraciĆ³n colectiva, 2015-03-11

The double threat of Anisakis: parasitism and anafilactic reactions (ES)

Anisakis is a parasite present in many fishes and molluscs that, apart from triggering parasitism in humans, can also provoke anaphylactic reactions. The deep frozen under -20ºC during more than 48h and cooking at temperatures above 60ºC during more than 2 minutes are the more effective measures to avoid this parasite in humans.

READ MORE, 2015-03-09

Galician SME develops an Anisakis detector (ES)

Marexi, a SME from Vigo (Galicia), has developed a device that detects immediately the number of anisakis contained in a fish fillet. This SME has also a patent of a new device that removes parasites from fish offals, what prevent them from completing their life cycle after being sent to the sea.

READ MORE, 2015-03-03

Anisakis infection and issues caused by raw fish (ES)

In Spain, the average fish consumption is 45Kg per person per year, what doubles the European average and occupies the second place in the world ranking, just after Japan. The same way, Spain is the second country in the world in number of cases of anisakiasis, again after Japan. Anisakiasis is a disease caused by Anisakis, a nematode parasite located in contaminated fish. This problem has become a concern for Spanish safety authorities and in an decree promulgated in 2006, "human anisakiasis was considered a public health concern, since its incidence is increasing in recent years".

