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Scientific news about the fishing sector, fish and their parasites, 2015-02-28

What is anisakis and how to prevent it? (ES)

Anisakiasis has become more frequent during last years. It is caused by nematode larvae located in contaminated fish. However, it is important to differentiate between the infection caused by the living larvae and the allergic reactions in sensitized patients. Allergic people show extreme sensitivity to substances secreted by larvae when they attach to stomach walls.

READ MORE, 2015-02-19

Anisakis: everything that you should know (ES)

Anisakis is a marine fish parasite that lives its adult life in big marine mammals such as whales and dolphins. This parasite can infect humans if it is accidentally consumed with raw or undercooked fish.

According to María Luisa Caballero, specialist at the Allergy Service of the University Hospital La Paz (Madrid), the best medicine against anisakis infection is prevention: to avoid the consumption of raw fish (if it has not been frozen previously) and let the fish thaw progressively to keep fish quality. 


EFSA, 2015-02-18

EFSA's Second Science Conference-Shaping the Future of Food Safety, Together

During 14th-16th October 2015 it will be held in Milan (Italy) the 2nd EFSA's Science Conference. In 2012 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) launched its Science Strategy 2012-2016. On 7-8 November that year, more than 600 of the world’s leading food safety experts took part in a high-level scientific conference organised by EFSA to mark its tenth anniversary. Since then, many objectives of the Strategy and recommendations of the 2012 Conference have been implemented. This is a new edition of this prestigious scientific event, coinciding with the EXPO Milano 2015.

READ MORE, 2015-02-18

Anisakis: stay alert (ES)

Anisakis is a marine fish parasite that lives its adult life in big marine mammals such as whales and dolphins. This parasite can infect humans if it is consumed accidentally in raw or undercooked fish. 


Qué.es, 2015-02-17

Forbidden foods during pregnancy (ES)

There are some forbidden products during pregnancy. One of them is raw fish since it may contain Anisakis.

