Project outcomes
Approval date: August 15, 2012 / Project management: Santiago Pascual
The main results will impact by (1) contributing to enhanced seafood safety, with consequent benefits for public health and consumer confidence, (2) strengthening the competitiveness of European seafood, from the net to the plate and (3) improving EU food safety policies.
In this section it will be regularly provided an update of progress towards results, when this information is agreed to be made public by the consortium.
Viability Test Device
The Viability Test Device (VTD) has been designed for a rapid and cost-effective determination of the viability of anisakid nematodes isolated from processed fish products. Its functioning is based on metabolic activity and its effect on elastic properties of nematodes, which increases the accuracy beside traditional methods for the determination of actual viability.
Contact person Michael Kroeger
Mean number of Anisakis spp in left belly flap section of Lophius piscatorius
Although the impact of the marine trophic structure on epidemiological processes and infection dynamics of Anisakis in fish populations and seafood products are the subject of intensive studies, the spatial epidemiology of this highly prevalent re-emergent marine parasite have so far been neglected. The interest on spatial demographic infection values induced the creation of risk maps for many geographical areas, which may help to underline hot-spot infection areas as a pre-harvest control measure to reduce or minimize the risk of Anisakis infection during the value chain of fishery products. These maps and information about the infection levels regarding to different parameters consititute a sensible information and thus, it was appointed as restricted. However, the information can be consulted under personal petition indicating its use and purpose.
Contact person, Ángel F. González
PARASITE Project Video
This video outlines the main objectives pursued by the PARASITE project, which assesses the risk posed by zoonotic parasites in fish products.
Anisakis Life Cycle
Human Infection and Immune Response to Anisakis
Didactic Video about the UV-Press Detection Method
One of the objectives of the PARASITE project is the improvement of anisakids detection methods, including the UV-Press method. In May 2015, it was organized in Hamburg a training workshop with the industrial partners about this technique. Hereunder, it is included the presentation used in the meeting, which contains a didactic video on the methodology.
Didactic video on UV-Press method.
3D Animation on UV-Press Detection Method
Video on the use of real-time PCR for detecting Anisakids in fish products
This video have been recorded by Paolo Cipriani (, researcher involved in the PARASITE project, at University of Tuscia (Viterbo, Italy) premises.